Terms & Conditions

Terms of Service

I voluntarily understand, acknowledge, and agree to the following with respect to the health and life coaching services rendered by Good Groove Group, Inc., including Janet Williams, its associates, and its various employees and contractors (“Provider”).​​​Required Disclosures. Janet Williams, M.D. is licensed as a physician in California, but is operating in a non-licensed capacity of health and life coach only, and she is not necessarily relying on her medical license in offering these services to you. Additionally, Provider is not licensed in any state within the United States as a professional healthcare provider, nutritionist/dietitian, or professional behavioral healthcare provider. Thus, the services contemplated hereunder may be considered alternative or complementary to licensed healing arts services. ​

Description/Nature of Services: The nature of the services Provider will offer includes: health coaching, life coaching, mind-body/spirit-lifestyle modification, movement and exercise, hypnosis, and meditation. Provider will be guiding, assisting, educating, and supporting clients to make thoughtful, manageable lifestyle adjustments to improve overall well-being and vitality. Provider primarily empowers clients to assume more personal responsibility for their health and life circumstances by adopting a healthier attitude, exercise approaches, and lifestyle choices. ​Provider may provide nutritional suggestions concerning proper nutrition, which includes the exchange of information as to the use and role of food and food ingredients, including dietary supplements and herbals. Provider is not a registered or licensed dietician or nutritionist. I understand that any and all nutritional recommendations are not intended as diagnosis, treatment, or prescription and is based solely on Provider’s personal research and training. ​I understand that none of these services constitute professional diagnosis, assessment, or treatment. ​

Theory: The theory upon which the services are based is as follows: (1) health coaching involves attuning me to my own health goals, metrics, and habits, so I can release limiting beliefs, clarify my values, and achieve overall self-improvement; (2) life coaching involves partnering with me in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires me to maximize my personal and professional potential; and (3) meditation involves a mind-body practice to help relax the body and mind and improve overall health and well-being; (4) movement/exercise involves guiding and guiding me as to the benefit of different exercises and active movement techniques; and (5) hypnosis involves a trance-like state which induces heightened focus and concentration to feel calm and relaxed and receptive to guidance.​

Education, Training, Experience: Dr. Janet Williams is a California licensed medical doctor specialized and board certified in obstetrics and gynecology. She completed her undergraduate training at Hampton University where she graduated with honors. Her medical school training was completed at Saint Louis University School of Medicine and her Ob/Gyn residency training was completed at Southern California Kaiser Permanente in Hollywood, California. ​She is a Fellow of the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology and a member of the International Society for the Study of Women’s Sexual Health. ​Dr. Williams has been in medical clinical practice in Los Angeles, California since 2006. She is the founder of IntimateWellnessShop.com, the premiere source for doctor curated intimate and sexual care products. She is a professional certified life coach and obtained her life coach certification in August of 2022 from The Certified Life Coach Institute. Her work as a life and health coach is informed by her medical experience and expertise but also her own personal life practices of soulful, heart-led living.​

No Guarantee. I recognize that Provider cannot guarantee results or any specific outcomes from our work together. I am solely responsible for any action taken based on my interpretation of any information presented.

Group Sessions. Provider provides the option and opportunity to participate in group sessions for the services provided herein. These sessions are beneficial because they use a group session format that allows participants to discuss their own journeys and allow others to benefit from hearing from others and hearing health and life coaching advice given to those participants. I acknowledge and understand that if I share my own personal information or protected health information with others in the group session my information will no longer be confidential or private. I may choose to either not participate in the group sessions or to not share personal information or protected health information during such sessions. I likewise agree not to disclose sensitive information of any kind I may hear from other participants during the group sessions. ​No Medical or Psychological services. I am not engaging Provider for any medical or psychological treatment. I understand that Provider does not diagnose, treat, or claim to cure any medical or psychological condition, and that Provider’s services are not designed to replace conventional treatment methods of medical or psychological conditions.

I also understand that Provider does not offer therapy for emotional or mental disorders. I am responsible for my own health care decision-making by obtaining any necessary consultations with appropriately licensed health care professionals such as physicians, therapists, and psychologists.​

Not Replacing Current Professional Mental Health Care. Provider is acting in a supportive, consultative capacity and not as a licensed healthcare provider. Accordingly, Provider is not replacing care currently provided to me by licensed healthcare providers, such as my current physician, nutritionist/registered dietitian, chiropractor, psychiatrist, psychologist, marriage and family therapist, clinical social worker, professional clinical counselor, or other professional provider. Provider advised me that I should maintain a relationship with a primary care physician who is available to provide emergent and urgent care. If I encounter a medical emergency and am not able to obtain care from my primary care physician, I will contact 911 or report to a hospital emergency department. Provider does not provide on-call services or emergency services of any kind.​ I also understands it is my responsibility to keep Provider informed of the name and contact information of my primary care physician and treating specialists, of any diagnoses I have received and of any treatments I have had or am undergoing for current conditions.

I also understand it is important to let my primary care physician know about activities I am doing while working with Provider, to help ensure that my healthcare is properly coordinated.​

My Responsibility for My Self-Care. I understand that any inner-directed work or reflection can bring up distressing feelings, images, thoughts and behaviors. I agree to seek medical assistance or psychotherapy or any other appropriate physical or mental diagnosis and treatment from a practitioner duly licensed (such as a licensed medical doctor or licensed psychologist) if I find that these distressing aspects create a danger for myself or for others. ​No Mental Illness. I acknowledge that I have not been hospitalized for any psychiatric condition within the last ten (10) years, do not have current suicidal ideations, nor have charges been brought against me based on my behavior.​

Expected Benefits. Benefits are variable, unique, and depend completely on me. Provider cannot guarantee any benefits or effects but in working with Provider, I could expect that if I participate consistently, I will come closer to my goals, especially if I am committed to long-term work. Results are extremely variable, unexpected events happen, and unforeseen challenges arise all the time, and Provider cannot guarantee any results.

However, expected benefits include the following:​

Life Coaching: Assistance with defining goals, assistance with creating plan of action towards goals and assistance with executing action plans.

Health Coaching: Access to and/or increase in knowledge of modern medical health practices, anatomy, physiology, common communication practices of health professionals, access to and/or increase in knowledge of alternative and integrative medicine practices and theories, historical medical information. I can also benefit from coaching support as I define my health goal(s), as I create my action plan(s) toward health goals, and as I execute my action plan(s) toward my health goals.

Meditation: I may benefit from increased knowledge about meditation practices including theory, common applications and technique. I may benefit from coaching support as I define the goal(s) with the use of meditation, as I create action plan(s) that incorporate meditation, and as I execute my action plans that incorporate meditation.

Hypnosis Work: Hypnosis work may help and support to remove bad habits, help and support to increase motivation, help and support to increase personal performance, and help and support to reach personal goals.​

Risks.​Life Coaching: Risks include but are not limited to goals not being defined, plan of action not being created towards goals and execution of action plan not being executed and thus not reaching my goals.​

Health Coaching: Risks include but are not limited to not increasing my knowledge of modern medical health practices, anatomy, physiology, common communication practices of health professionals, not increasing knowledge of alternative and integrative medicine practices and theories, and historical medical information. There is a risk I may misunderstand content presented. I am at risk of not defining my health goal(s), not creating my action plan(s) toward my health goals and not executing my action plan(s) toward my health goals and thus not reaching my goals.​

Meditation: I am at risk of not increasing my knowledge of meditation practices including theory, common applications and technique. I may be at risk of not defining my goal(s) with the use of meditation, not creating action plan(s) that incorporate meditation and not executing action plans that incorporate meditation.​

Hypnosis Work: There is risk that bad habits may persist, there may be no increased motivation, there may be no increase in personal performance and my personal goals may not be reached.​

Other general risks include distress, mental health issues which require a licensed healthcare provider, dissatisfaction with results, and over-relying on the services herein when I know I should see a licensed physician, mental healthcare or other professional, to treat a physical or psychological condition. I understand that I am responsible for monitoring my own condition throughout the procedures, and should any unusual symptoms occur, I will cease participation and inform Provider immediately.​

Alternative Actions and Treatment. Alternatives include self-help techniques and seeking medical or psychological care. ​

Dietary Supplements. Dietary supplements are marketed for general well-being, or as intended to affect the normal structure or function of the human body – for example, “calcium builds strong bones.” Thus, although Provider may recommend dietary supplements with a specific therapeutic purpose in mind, manufacturers and distributors are prohibited from making drug or therapeutic claims for dietary supplements, and their use in clinical practice is chiefly designed to support general well-being or certain aspects of metabolic function. While most dietary supplements are generally considered safe, efficacy has not conclusively been established; and in some cases, adverse reactions can occur if I am concurrently using pharmaceutical medications (drugs). For this reason, it is important to keep all of my healthcare providers fully informed about all medications and dietary supplements I may be taking. ​

Disclosure of Interest in Sales of Products. Provider may offer dietary supplements and other healthcare products for sale. These products may be under contractual obligation to be sold at a certain cost. Dependent on the situation, products may be sold at a reasonable and customary markup from cost. However, I am under no obligation to purchase these products from Provider; I may purchase the same or similar products elsewhere; and my quality of care by Provider will not be affected by my decision to purchase or not purchase products from Provider.​

CALIFORNIA REQUIRED LEGAL NOTICE​California law allows any person to provide nutritional advice or give advice concerning proper nutrition–which is the giving of advice as to the role of food and food ingredients, including dietary supplements.  This state law does NOT confer authority to practice medicine or to undertake the diagnosis, prevention, treatment, or cure of any disease, pain, deformity, injury, or physical or mental condition and specifically does not authorize any person other than one who is a licensed health practitioner to state that any product might cure any disease, disorder, or condition. ​

*NOTE: The above notice only applies if you are a California resident and receive Provider’s services while residing in California. If you qualify as such, please refer to the California Business and Professions Code § 2068 for more information.​

Video Services, Electronic, and Phone Communications. Video advisement and consulting services involves the use of audio-visual or other electronic communications to interact with me with respect to the services herein. Provider may also communicate with me over the phone, email, digital platforms, or over videoconferencing technology. Anticipated benefits include improved access to Provider and allows for Provider and me to communicate while in different physical locations. Potential risks include gaps of failures in communication, complicating Provider’s furnishing of information, notwithstanding reasonable efforts to ensure the quality and reliability of transmitted information. There may be limitations to image quality or other electronic problems that are beyond the control of Provider. Despite reasonable security measures, online communications can be forwarded, intercepted, or even changed or falsified without my knowledge. In addition, the information transmitted to Provider may be insufficient for Provider to provide proper services. Alternatives to using electronic communications include an in-person visit.​

Assumption of Risk. I knowingly, voluntarily, and intelligently decide to receive the services described above, and I knowingly, voluntarily, and intelligently assume all risks involved in the same. ​I acknowledge that I am aware of all risks inherent in adopting new lifestyle and nutritional practices and exercising, including possible injury, and I hereby assume all risks. I hereby waive and release and hold harmless PROVIDER from any and all liabilities, losses, damages and claims of any kind or nature associated with injuries, or otherwise arising out of or related to my participation in the new lifestyle and nutritional practices and associated changes, exercises, and/or program participation. ​ Additionally, I agree to release, hold harmless, indemnify, and defend Provider and his or her agents from and against any and all claims which I (or my representatives) may have for any loss, damage, or injury arising out of or in connection with use of the services described above, or arising out of or in connection with the referral to other practitioners or merchants for delivery of any services.​

Limitation of Liability. Provider is not liable to me or any third party for any damages (including, without limitation, direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, exemplary, incidental, special, or punitive damages, personal injury/wrongful death, lost profits, good will, use data or other intangible losses (whether or not I have been advised of the possibility of such damages)) or damages arising from or relating to this Agreement, even if advised of the possibility of such loss or damages, and whether under negligence or some other theory of liability. Because some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of liability for consequential or incidental damages, in such states, liability is limited to the fullest extent permitted by law. Notwithstanding the above, Provider’s sole liability for any reason to me, and my sole and exclusive remedy for any cause or claim whatsoever, shall be limited to the amount paid by me for services or other service provided by Provider, and, must be brought within one (1) year since the event giving rise to such action occurred. I understand and agree that my participation with respect to receiving services is predicated upon my waiver of any right to participate in a class action suit for any losses or damages resulting from the same.​

Financial Responsibility. I understand that Provider does not accept insurance or negotiate with insurers, and that Provider’s services are likely not reimbursed by any insurer. I am financially responsible for my session and agree to pay the charges incurred. Provider does not accept partial payment or waive payment.​ You are bound to complete all phases of payment plans executed here in. You are provided with immediate access to the course upon purchase. Provider does not provide refunds of any kind for any reason. You are free to cancel your membership and cease to participate in programming, however this will not warrant a refund of any kind.

Right to discontinue services. I understand that Provider has the right to refuse providing services at any time for any reason. Provider does not issue any refunds.​

Arbitration. Any dispute, claim, or controversy arising out of or relating to this Agreement or the breach, termination, enforcement, interpretation or validity thereof, including the determination of the scope or applicability of this agreement to arbitrate, shall be determined by arbitration in Los Angeles, California before one (1) arbitrator. The arbitration shall be administered by AHLA Alternative Dispute Resolution Service Rules of Procedure for Arbitration. Judgment on the award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction. This provision shall not preclude either party from seeking provisional remedies in aid of arbitration from a court of appropriate jurisdiction. The arbitrator may, in the award, allocate all or part of the costs of the arbitration, including the fees of the arbitrator. Each party has read and understood this Section (Arbitration) and understands that it thereby agrees to submit any claims arising out of this Agreement to binding arbitration, and that this dispute resolution provision constitutes a waiver of the Party’s right to a jury trial. HOWEVER, prior to either party initiating Arbitration of any dispute, the parties agree to attempt mediation of the dispute with a mutually agreeable trained mediator in Los Angeles, California. “Trained mediator” means a professional with actual training and experience in the field of Mediation and/or dispute resolution.


Financial Responsibility. I understand that Provider does not accept insurance or negotiate with insurers, and that Provider’s services are likely not reimbursed by any insurer. I am financially responsible for my session and agree to pay the charges incurred. Provider does not accept partial payment or waive payment.​ You are bound to complete all phases of payment plans executed here in. You are provided with immediate access to the course upon purchase. Provider does not provide refunds of any kind for any reason. You are free to cancel your membership and cease to participate in programming, however this will not warrant a refund of any kind.

Payment. Rates are valid at the time of signing for 12 months, unless circumstances dictate change of this rate within this time period. Rates are subject to change after purchase for new purchases. Payment for the programs are due up front or as outlined in a payment plan. Provider will consider payment plans on a program to program basis.

E-Commerce Policies

  1. Order Acceptance You agree that your order is an offer to buy, under these Terms, all products and services listed in your order. All orders must be accepted by us or we will not be obligated to sell the products or services to you. We may choose not to accept any orders at our sole discretion. After having received your order, we will send you a confirmation email with your order number and details of the items you have ordered. Acceptance of your order and the formation of the contract of sale between Company and you will not take place unless and until you have received your order confirmation email.
  2. Prices and Payment TermsAll prices posted on this Site are subject to change without notice. The price charged for a product will be the price in effect at the time the order is placed and will be set out in your order confirmation email. Price increases will only apply to orders placed after such changes. Posted prices do not include taxes or charges for shipping and handling. All such taxes and charges will be added to your merchandise total and will be itemized in your shopping cart and in your order confirmation email. We are not responsible for pricing, typographical or other errors in any offer by us and we reserve the right to cancel any orders arising from such errors.Terms of payment are at our sole discretion and payment must be received by us before our acceptance of an order. You represent and warrant that (i) the payment information you supply to us is true, correct and complete, (ii) you are duly authorized to use such payment for the purchase, (iii) charges incurred by you will be honored by your payment institution, and (iv) you will pay charges incurred by you at the posted prices, including all applicable taxes, if any.
  3. Shipping Policies: Products are delivered digitally.
  4. Final Sale; Returns; Exchanges We do not offer refunds under any circumstances for any of our products.
  5. Not for ResaleYou agree to comply with all applicable laws and regulations of the various states and of the United States. You represent and warrant that you are buying products or services from the Site for your own use only, and not for resale.
  7. Digital Materials In accordance with the terms herein, and in consideration for digital purchases made from Good Groove.com and Good Groove Group Inc, Good Groove Group, Inc. grants to You, and You accept from Good Groove Group, Inc., a non-exclusive and non-transferable license (the “License”) to use the current version of our digital materials (“Digital Materials”). Digital Materials includes any purchased ebooks, online courses, templates, photos, or other digitally available materials. You agree to use and access the Digital Materials solely for Your own personal educational purposes. You have no implied rights to the License of Digital Materials. Except as is otherwise expressly permitted in this Agreement, the use of the Digital Materials is restricted so no one may do any of the following or aid anyone in such endeavor: (a) Sublicense, sell, lease, or rent the Digital Materials; (b) Decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer or attempt to derive the source code from or structure of the Digital Materials; (c) Create a derivative work that is based on any portion of the Digital Materials; (d) Rewrite any portion of the Digital Materials or use any portion of the Digital Materials in connection with creating any work that is similar in function, content or appearance to any portion of the Digital Materials; (e) Remove any proprietary notice from the Digital Materials; (f) Copy, reproduce, distribute, or in any way duplicate all or any part of the Digital Materials; (g) export or re-export the Digital Materials or any portion thereof in violation of the export control laws or regulations of the United States; (h) engage in, facilitate, or further any unlawful conduct; and/or (i) damage, disable, overburden, or impair any Company Website (or the networks connected to any Company Website) or interfere with anyone else’s ability to access or use the Digital Materials.